Creativity Block

Does anyone else stare at their computer screen for hours wondering what to write? Or even not just writing, but just staring at a blank canvas wondering what to place on it. I find that my creativity has been severely disrupted by not being able to go outside and interact with others and my environment, and I am trying to find new ways to fuel my creativity.

Throughout quarantine, I knew that it was important to keep creativity in my life, especially since everything else has gone into chaos. Recently I saw a Tik Tok trend where people brought mirrors outside and took pictures outside with them. As soon as I saw this trend I fell in love with everyone’s results and wanted to figure out how to recreate my own outdoor mirror pictures. The park beside my apartment is also currently flooding with dandelions, so I found the perfect opportunity to go outside and take advantage of the scenery.

I thought this was such a unique and fun idea and a great way to play with different angles that I wasn’t used to. Dandelion stained jeans, and 200 pictures later, I was excited with the pictures I was getting, even if I wasn’t in love with all of them, it felt so good to play around with light and angles and have a creative purpose in a environment that I am not usually in.

Sometimes it really does take a new perspective in order to spark creativity and want to take on new ventures. While taking pictures I was reminded with how beautiful nature is and how anything can compliment well with it, and the importance of appreciating, preserving, and loving nature.

Here is one of the pictures my friend took of me, and I fell in love with the angles. Feel free to like and follow on my Instagram @ Minah.Webb

Nature is Exquisite

Every morning, the sun kisses the earth with its soft, warm light. With it, everything shines and is beautiful, without, darkness and mystery creeps onto the land. Earth and nature and its everlasting insistence of beauty, symmetry and awe reminds me how humans always try to mimic the beauty and complexity of nature, but we will never be able to quite capture it.

This is the 50th anniversary of earth, and it’s a celebration unlike previous years, with everyone stuck at home and unable to freely enjoy the outdoors, it seems almost fitting to have more appreciation for nature than in the past. This earth day I am celebrating that the earth is having a chance to heal from the mass pollution and recover from the scars that humans have inflicted onto the earth with everyone staying at home. Though the coronavirus is a terrible pandemic ravaging through communities, mother nature remains untouched, and stands over all of us, lasting beyond our lifetimes.

The natural landscape of Colorado and its raging mountains throughout the entire state is a picturesque dream. Stepping into nature is like stepping into an entire new world away from humans and others. Lately I keep teasing to my friends that I want to move away to a cabin in a the woods and never return. To surround myself in greenery and nature is something that is hard to achieve in cities and inside apartments and homes.

This earth day i encourage you to appreciate earth’s beauty and stand for the earth that you stand on. This earth does so much to accommodate a global ecosystem that is suitable for all life. The least that we can do is demonstrate our appreciation for the earth by reducing, reusing, recycling, and choosing eco-friendly options. Every day we all make choices that either help or hurt the planet, and it’s important to be mindful of the choices that we make, and to choose the options that benefit the planet and not greedy corporations.

We are all on this earth living together, we cohabit this entire planet and it’s important to remember to be kind to others, spread positivity, and make sustainable, good choices. Choose the candidates that have a sustainability plan, choose a reusable water bottle over plastic. Invest in the earth so that it can pay you back in its beauty and awe. We only have one planet, one mother nature that binds us all together, we should show her the true appreciation that she deserves.

[Photo of sunset taken in Scottsdale, Arizona with my iPhone]