We Can No Longer Be Silent

This past week has been very heavy. I do not like to get political on my social media or blogs, but this is necessary. Words need to be said. A stance must be taken. Silence is no longer an option when our brothers and sisters are bleeding on the streets and dying for no reason. I cannot stay silent any longer as it only contributes to the systematic issue that plagues our nation and only benefits white men.

If you find yourself uncomfortable with what is happening at these protests and find yourself saying “not all cops” or “all lives matter” then you need to take a good look at your own privilege and realize that the color of your skin is what allows you to feel safe in your own neighborhood. Your SKIN COLOR is what allows you to benefit from society. All of the “good cops” are still bad cops. They are not standing up for what is right, they are not standing with the people, but against the people. They are much more willing to protect other cops and arrest over 4,400 people across the United States instead of the three cops in question. What does that say about our country?

The President of the United States has only further perpetrated the violence happening at the protests as he has continuously tweeted out “looting leads to shooting” and thanking the National Guard for shooting at protestors. Tr*mp’s language is incredibly detrimental to poc (people of color) as he is using violently charged language against a group of people that he has dubbed as “THUGS”. Why is a protest against a man’s death and acts of racism being handled this way? Whereas people hurting one another for toilet paper was completely acceptable? Why is the National Guard fighting against the citizens of United States and calling protestors domestic terrorists?

This is not a leader. This is a coward who cannot even face the people and instead sends out his own guards and “vicious dogs” at protestors and tweets about it from the White House. Where is the leader who will listen to the people and actually make changes in order to rectify the wrong that has transpired?

I am also finding that too many of my friends and sorority sisters are remaining silent throughout all of this. Where is your energy for when Notre Dame was burning down? Or for the Amazon forest? You were all preaching about staying safe for COVID-19 but remain silent when your brothers and sisters are bleeding on the streets. Why are you so silent? I am so disappointed in how the majority of you all are white, and cannot stand for those who need your voices.

George Floyd’s death marks a major turning point for the United States of America, and his death is only the very tip of the iceberg. We are all tired of this violence, we are tired of hearing black men and women and children dying for petty crimes that they did not even commit. Dying for being unarmed. Dying for following the law. Dying for petty theft that should not have resulted in that kind of tragedy.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge just a few names out of hundreds, that need to be said.

George Floyd.
Breonna Taylor.
Ahmaud Arbery.
Sean Reed.
Tony McDade.

I have never seen protests become this violent, destructive or explosive in my life. But this is necessary for everyone to hear what is happening and see that the country is broken. I cannot physically go to the protests myself as I am immunocompromised and I am still wary of COVID-19, but hearing my friend’s stories and seeing videos and pictures has been completely insane.

We are angry, we are tired, we are heartbroken, but we will not stand for this violence any longer. We are taking a stand against the system that oppresses us, and against a government that no longer aligns with what the people want or believe.

This is where we take a stand against racism. This is where fellow white people protect our black friends and use their privilege to take a stand. Do not let this be a trend. Do not let this remain a moment, but rather a movement that catapults into a better future for everyone. One that is truly equal to all.

If you find that you do not feel comfortable going to protests or you are like me and are immunocompromised, there are other ways you can help take a stand. There is no reason to feel hopeless during all of this. When donating please ensure that you are donating directly to organizations created by BLM. **This is only a small amount of resources, and there is so much more across Instagram and Facebook and with a simple Google Search, I helped you begin your research, it’s your responsibility to do the rest.


If you’re in a financial position where you can donate, here is a webpage full of different websites and different causes to donate to: https://www.papermag.com/where-to-donate-protests-minneapolis-2646128317.html?rebelltitem=29#rebelltitem29


Education is always free, educate yourself on your privilege as a white man or woman, and learn how to become an ally for the Black Lives Matter movement.


Show your voice with signing petitions here is one super easy petition to sign to get you started: TEXT FLOYD TO 55156


Do not forget to exercise your right to vote! Especially this November!!! A link to register here: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote